'League Of Legends' Patch 7.2: Nerfing Redemption And Buffing Nidalee, Riot Are Monsters

Blood Moon Jhin teaser
Blood Moon Jhin teaser Riot Games

League of Legends is finally starting to normalize itself for the season: LCS has started, the Blood Moon is on its way and Nidalee is trash. Now that the meta has reached a calm unseen since the preseason, it’s time for Riot to throw everything up in the air again with a giant patch and Warwick. Champions that haven’t been getting enough love are finally getting some changes, bothersome items are getting some major reworks and the jungle is getting some much-needed muscle.

Here are the six things you need to know to get ready for League of Legends Patch 7.2:

Buffs To Neglected Champions- Since assassins and marksmen took the spotlight in Season 7, some champions have been left out entirely. Riot’s trying to fix that and give some of the champions that used to dominate the meta but then were nerfed to the ground, a little love again. Nidalee is getting 29 more base health, along with 10 to 20 scaling health on her heal, and is getting more powerful traps that are no longer infinite. Gragas gets three more armor and more two percent more healing on his Happy Hour passive. Lulu has more scaling damage on her passive and Glitterlance costs 10 less mana.

Some Assassins Need Work- Some champions with heavy burst have been dealing just a bit too much damage, while others are too weak in comparison. Katarina is in the former category, so is losing .15 AD ratio on her Shunpo. Akali is on the other end of the spectrum, so she’s getting .1 AP ratio on her Shadow Dance. Though Master Yi might not be considered an assassin, I still lump him in here. Double Strike will search out a new target if the first one is destroyed and Meditate pauses cooldown and lowered the CD of Double Strike. Yasuo has a .2 AD ratio on his Sweeping Blade but loses 10 to 50 base damage.

Lethality Is Getting Some Bite- Marksmen have felt weak for a multitude of reasons, but the biggest is Lethality replacing armor penetration. ADCs just can’t break through big tanks anymore, so Riot is giving 20 percent more flat armor penetration at the beginning of the game. Some AD items ADCs love so much have been buffed as well, including Duskblade Of Draktharr and Edge Of Night.

OP Support Items Nerfed- It took Riot long enough, but they are finally nerfing Redemption , by lowering its base health and heal. Eye Of The Equinox costs 100 more gold, but gives 10 percent CDR. Ardent Censer buffs now scale with level.

The Jungle’s Been Tuned- Jungle monsters will spawn three seconds later. Gromp has 25 more AD, but does less damage with each consecutive hit. Ancient Krug has 20 more AD and Honey Fruits spawn a minute later.

Courage Of The Colossus And Ghost Nerfed- The must-have mastery and summoner spell of Season 7 are getting so much needed fine tuning. COC is losing a second on its shield and now scales per enemy champion. Ghost takes time to ramp up, hitting max stride over six seconds.

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