‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Spoilers: Maggie Might Fight Negan A Lot Sooner Than We Think

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Maggie will survive without Glenn. Her story isn't over.
Maggie will survive without Glenn. Her story isn't over. AMC

Maggie is pregnant in The Walking Dead Season 7, but she’s not as far along as you think she is. In fact, Maggie is only two months pregnant at this point in the show.

This fact should make you nervous. Very, very nervous.

[Warning: The Walking Dead Season 7 and comic spoilers ahead.]

In the comics, there’s a time jump between Glenn’s death and the All Out War storyline. In fact, our best guess would be probably 11-14 months. The reason for this time jump is we think Maggie might be about four months pregnant at the time of Glenn’s death. She then heads over to live in the Hilltop community. The next time we see Maggie, she’s given birth and her child looks pretty big. He’s definitely not a newborn. We could be wrong, but the All Out War storyline definitely doesn’t begin until after Maggie has given birth.

Us Weekly recently spoke to Lauren Cohan about the upcoming The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere. This is what Cohan had to say about her character Maggie’s desire to fight:

“I think that she’s grasping for somewhere to put her energy and her pain. I think ultimately what she and the entire group come to is that these losses can’t be in vain and we fight on in honor of our family.”

“We fight” are the keywords here. The show could very well have a pregnant Maggie get caught up in the battles, instead of doing a time jump and letting her character give birth first. This leads us to another comic book moment: Lori Grimes’ death.

Lori and her baby girl Judith were casualties of the gunfight against The Governor at the prison. Lori was trying to escape the chaos when someone shot her in the back. Judith was in her arms. Now, The Walking Dead is no Game of Thrones . We don’t think anyone will be stabbing a pregnant Maggie in the belly like they did with Robb Stark’s wife in Game Of Thrones ’ Red Wedding. However, we don’t think they’re above remixing some death scenes.

Cohan could want to step away from The Walking Dead to work on other projects. It’s not unheard of for longtime cast members to say goodbye to a show before it's officially off the air. We could be overreacting and reading too much into what Cohan says, but in the same interview with Us Weekly , she did touch on Lori’s death on the TV series. In the show, Lori died while giving birth to Judith.

“I think it would be unnatural to not be aware and concerned… but ultimately, I don’t think she’s stopped to worry about that because there are so many things she needs to focus on to ensure the survival of the baby,” Cohan said.

It also doesn’t help TV Maggie that Negan believes she’s dead. When Negan finds out Rick and the Hilltop were hiding her, he’s going to be pissed. Negan probably would’ve continued to torture Maggie, and Rick couldn’t risk anything happening to her baby. We’re surprised Maggie didn’t lose her child after seeing Glenn die.

We know Negan wants children. He has multiple wives and they don’t use protection, as we saw with Sherry at the doctor’s office. She went in for a pregnancy test, which came back negative. Negan was obsessed with Judith when he saw her. He even told Carl he might just kill Rick and take Judith with him. A pregnant Maggie might be Negan’s chance to have a child.

What do you think Negan would’ve done with Maggie if he knew she was pregnant? Let us know in the comments section below. The Walking Dead Season 7 returns Feb. 12 on AMC.

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