'Thor: Ragnarok' Will Have A Different Tone And Loki, Hulk Butting Heads

Hulk smash puny god!
Hulk smash puny god! Marvel

Thor has been the best part of a lot of Marvel movies. Chris Hemsworth as the god of thunder is either punching, screaming or asking for more ale. One of my favorite scenes in any Marvel movie is in Avengers: Age of Ultron , when only Vision is worthy enough to lift the mighty Mjolnir. At a panel at Wizard World Philadelphia , Hemsworth had this to say about the next Thor film, Thor: Ragnarok:

“Man, it is a lot of fun. I think tonally it’s a big shift in a great way, more than anything we’ve seen before. Taika Waititi, the director, if you know any of his work, he’s just an incredible sort of comedic talent a lot of heart in everything he does. It’s a very different Thor, it’s a different Loki; we go off on another world that we haven’t experienced before. It’s fun, but that’s me skirting around the issue because I can’t say too much.”

Tom Hiddleston, who plays Thor’s adopted brother Loki, talked about Hulk in Ragnarok . The Hulk, the broody green savage, hasn’t been seen since Black Widow let him loose in a quinjet in the last Avengers movie. According to Hiddleston, The demigod and the jolly green giant might be butting heads:

“And let's not forget that it's no secret that the Hulk shows up in Ragnarok, and the last time Loki and Hulk were in the same room didn’t go very well for Loki. So, he’s got a few chips on his shoulder, but it’s fun, you’ll see.”

How Hulk gets to Asgard is beyond me. I’m hoping that we get a movie version of World War Hulk , which has Tony Stark and the other smart Marvel universe denizens sending the Hulk into space. Imagine Beta Ray Bill, the Silver Surfer and every Marvel alien race fighting in one movie. We are getting the Infinity Gauntlet, who knows what other tricks will pop up in the next phase of Marvel movies

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