‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ Debuts New Footage to Disney

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in December
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in December Disney

We’re now into March, which means that the first Star Wars: Rogue One trailer should be arriving any day now. Until then, however, we’ll have to rely on reports from inside sources within the Rogue One camp. It’s thanks to these anonymous heroes that we have news of a recent screening of Rogue One at the annual Disney shareholders meeting last week. While the final cut of the upcoming film is still a ways off, a glimpse of new footage was shown to the stock owners in attendance.

According to /FILM, Disney CEO Bob Iger showcased several new clips of the Star Wars spin-off during the meeting. The footage was packaged as a sizzle reel - essentially just highlights - designed to withhold key plot points or character details. A /FILM reader present at the gathering recounted the experience below:

Most of it was very quick. A shot of the black stormtrooper, possibly called Death Troopers as previously reported, another pic of that same style of helmet and armor but all chrome, reminiscent of Captain Phasma from The Force Awakens, an image showed two AT-ATs that had a slightly different look with the door panel on the side of the body painted a lighter beige color. And a couple cast photos were shown, one of Felicity & Diego Luna and another of Donnie Yen. The clip featured Felicity’s character on what looked like the inside of a ship or shuttle with her arm up holding on and the hatch/ramp open behind her. I wish I could remember what she said as part of the sizzle but it went by too fast.

The /FILM source also went on to praise the aesthetic of the Rogue One demo, claiming the clips had a look and feel of the movie that started it all, Star Wars: A New Hope. It’s likely that Rogue One director Gareth Edwards is following in the footsteps of The Force Awakens helmer, J.J. Abrams, who repeatedly stated his intentions to replicate the nostalgia of the classic Star Wars films.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will transport audiences back to the period between Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope. Maintaining a similar tone to the latter will be crucial to impressing eager Star Wars fans.

Hopefully the premiered clips are a sign that Disney is close to unveiling the first trailer for Star Wars: Rogue One. We’ll keep you updated here at iDigitalTimes as more information is made public.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters on Dec. 16.

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