'Rogue One' Cast: How Much Of New 'Star Wars Story' Plot Will Be Told In Flashback?

  • Science Fiction
Director Krennic, the antagonist of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.'
Director Krennic, the antagonist of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.' Lucasfilm

Valene Kane, known for her roles in The Fall and ‘71 , will appear in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story as the mother of Jyn Erso ( says Making Star Wars). Since Kane is younger than Felicity Jones, who will play her daughter in Rogue One , it’s safe to assume that Kane’s role will consist entirely of flashbacks. So how much of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set in the past? And how much will it bear the aesthetic marks of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy?

Thanks to an upcoming novelization , we already know quite a bit about the events leading up to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The official synopsis for Star Wars: Catalyst sets up the relationship between Rogue One baddie Orson Krennic and Jyn Erso’s family like so:

As a member of Chancellor Palpatine’s top secret Death Star project, Orson Krennic is determined to develop a superweapon before their enemies can. And an old friend of Krennic’s, the brilliant scientist Galen Erso, could be the key.

Galen’s energy-focused research has captured the attention of both Krennic and his foes, making the scientist a crucial pawn in the galactic conflict. But after Krennic rescues Galen, his wife, Lyra, and their young daughter, Jyn, from Separatist kidnappers, the Erso family is deeply in Krennic’s debt. Krennic then offers Galen an extraordinary opportunity: to continue of his scientific studies with every resource put utterly at his disposal. While Galen and Lyra believe that his energy research will be used purely in altruistic ways, Krennic has other plans that will finally make the Death Star a reality. Trapped in their benefactor’s tightening grasp, the Ersos must untangle Krennic’s web of deception to save themselves and the galaxy itself.”

The plot of Rogue One is rumored to feature Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) in both the past and present, with the action partly involving Jyn tracking down her father for information on Krennic’s Death Star. But with the unveiling of Jyn’s mother, Lyra, it looks like a surprising amount of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will grapple with Jyn Erso’s childhood and the ties that bond her family and the movie’s Imperial baddie.

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