‘Pokémon Go’ Region Exclusive Pokémon Can Be Hatched? Trainer Claims To Have Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime And Farfetch’d [VIDEO]

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Kangaskhan can reportedly be hatched in 'Pokemon Go' no matter you country of origin.
Kangaskhan can reportedly be hatched in 'Pokemon Go' no matter you country of origin. Pokemon Company

The ultimate goal of Pokémon Go is to catch ‘em all. However, only a few weeks since its debut catching all 151 original Pokémon is not yet possible because of possible exclusive-capture events for the legendary birds and Mewtwo/Mew (and Ditto, too.)

On top of that, there seems to be region locked Pokémon. While Niantic and the Pokémon Company haven’t outright confirmed this, reports say that Tauros is exclusive to North America, Mr. Mime for Europe, Farfetch’d for Asia and Kangaskhan for Australia.

And now a trainer in California claims to have caught all 145 Pokémon that are catchable including hatching the region-locked Pokémon from 10K eggs.

Eurogamer spoke with John Smith, the supposed master Pokémon catcher, about his life and how he did it. So if this is true, it is possible to complete your Pokedex in one country. Smith told Eurogamer that he walked about 200 km to collect everything while hatching a ton of eggs to find the region exclusive Pokemon.

Hatching eggs seems to be the surefire way to get all the Pokémon in Pokémon Go, as Nick Johnson (dubbed the first player to catch ‘em all in Pokémon Go) told us.

“Lucky eggs help you level up, a good chunk of my money was on Lucky Eggs to level up but once I got into the late 20s leveling slowed down,” he said. “The only real thing that helps after that is Egg Incubators. They cost about a dollar each and work out to about $0.33 a hatch. That would be my recommendation if you're going to spend money. That's the best way to do it, to hatch some of the rarest Pokémon.”

If you’re still skeptical of Smith and his feat, check out his YouTube channel, where he goes by the name Oninous Gaming, and where he posted some proof to his 145 Pokémon captures and let us know in the comments section below how close you are to completing your Pokedex.

Pokémon Go
A Flawed But Magnificent Experience
Pokémon Go has swept the country but is the mobile game worth an install? Despite its flaws, Pokémon Go really delivers the Pokemon-capture experience.
  • As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
  • Active And Engaging Experience
  • Lots Of Mon And Events
  • Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
  • Very Grindy
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