Pokémon Go Updated Gym Guide: Coins, Badges And More

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How do you get money from gyms in Pokémon Go? We have your back
How do you get money from gyms in Pokémon Go? We have your back Niantic

The big Pokémon Go update to change gyms is now live, allowing players to earn coins again along with gym badges. There are a number of ways to earn badges, and the way you get coins has changed as well. Niantic hasn’t officially revealed all of the changes, but the Pokémon Go subreddit has banded together to share experiences. We’ve compiled some of the most useful information below..


Previously in Pokémon Go , you could “cash out” if you had a Pokémon in a gym. The more Pokémon in gyms, the more coins you would earn. Of course, you could only cash out once every day or so. The new gyms allow players to still earn coins, but at a much slower rate.

To earn coins in the updated Pokémon Go, simply get a Pokémon into a gym. That’s it. Once the Pokémon is defeated and kicked out, it will return to you with the coins it earned while at the gym. To keep your Pokémon motivated while in a gym, feed it any kind of berry.

The longer a Pokémon is in a gym, the more coins you will earn. Right now, it seems Pokémon earn around one coin for every hour spent in a gym. Seeing as how there’s no time limit for earning coins anymore, the more Pokémon you put in gyms, the more coins you’ll have coming back to you when your Pokémon run out of motivation and are removed from a gym.

Others have reported earning coins at a faster rate than one per hour, so there could be another metric used to determine how many coins a Pokémon earns. One popular theory suggests a Pokémon will earn more coins if it wins multiple fights.


There are a number of ways to earn badges at Pokémon Go gyms. The most obvious way is to put one of your Pokémon in the gym. This will start a timer on that gym’s badge in your collection to show how long that Pokémon is defending.

You can also earn badges by feeding berries to your teammates. If you find a gym that matches your team (Valor, Mystic or Instinct), you can feed the Pokémon berries to increase their motivation. This is a good way to earn a gym’s badge if it’s filled and you can’t put your own Pokémon in it.

The last way to earn a gym’s badge is by fighting the Pokémon there. Even if you don’t knock out any opposing Pokémon and get one of yours in the gym, you’ll still earn that badge.

Other Stuff

All gyms are also regular Pokéstops as well. If you want to get items from a gym, click on it. At the screen where it shows all the Pokémon currently in the gym, click on the button that looks like a Pokéball on a stick. That will take you to the gym’s Pokéstop. Spin the disc like normal to get items.

Players will earn extra items if they are at a gym held down by his or her team.

Only one kind of each Pokémon can be put into a gym. This means if someone else has already put in a strong Gyarados, you can’t put yours in as well.

Players can only have 20 Pokémon in gyms at one time. If you actually get stopped by this ceiling, that’s amazing.

Spoofers are still a huge issue, so good luck if your area is commonly plagued by cheaters.

Feeding berries to Pokémon in gyms results in a chance you will get that Pokémon’s candy. For example, giving a berry to a Dragonite means you’ll have the chance to get a Dratini candy.

So what do you think? Are you as upset as the vast majority of Pokémon Go players on the subreddit? Do you like the new system or would you rather it be reverted back to the old one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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