New 'Star Wars: Poe Dameron' Marvel Comic Will Reveal X-Wing Pilot's Backstory

Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac) is the center of a new comic book from Marvel
Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac) is the center of a new comic book from Marvel Lucasfilm/Disney

There are a lot of mysteries to take away from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but arguably the biggest one is WHO IS POE DAMERON? The beloved x-wing pilot (played by Oscar Isaac) has become a bit of a sensation following his debut in Episode VII, and now Marvel will look to exploit that interest in a new comic book series.

USA Today revealed Star Wars: Poe Dameron will arrive in April, written by Charles Soule (Star Wars: Lando) and illustrated by Phil Noto (Star Wars: Chewbacca). The pair intend to dive into Poe Dameron’s backstory, anchored by the lead-up of Episode VII’s opening scene, in which Dameron meets with the mysterious Lor San Tekka (Max Von Sydow) on Jakku in order to locate the missing Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill).

The new Marvel series will also explore Poe Dameron’s status as top Resistance pilot under General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) and his overall mission to beat the nefarious First Order to the whereabouts of Luke.

“Sometimes it can feel like the Star Wars universe is so well trodden and so many stories have already been told,” Soule explained in the USA today interview. “But the way the Episode VII galaxy is set up, there are opportunities for new archetypes almost, and the bad guy we’re working with is going to feel fresh and cool.”

The comic will help expand upon Dameron’s personality, which is featured but limited in The Force Awakens. The Marvel duo say they will watch more of Isaac’s work in order to get a feel of Dameron’s instinctual movements. In addition to the titular character, Soule and Noto also promise to journey to new locations (both new and old) in the Star Wars galaxy, feature legacy characters and continue to add to Episode VII’s narrative.

It doesn’t look like Soule and Noto will go too far back in Poe Dameron’s life. Another Marvel Star Wars comic, Shattered Empire, already semi-explored his childhood with the starring of his parents, Shara Bey (also an X-wing pilot) and solider Kes Dameron. Instead of incorporating numerous flashbacks, Soule is more interested in the present-day pilot and his relationships.

Star Wars: Poe Dameron is set to arrive on shelves in April.

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