'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Squadmates: Meet Female Turian Tank Vetra Nyx And Check Out Ryder Twin, Vetra Character Kits

Vetra Nyx, your turian squadmate in Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Vetra Nyx, your turian squadmate in Mass Effect: Andromeda. (c) Bioware

From the latest news updates on Bioware’s website this week, the goodies keep on rolling: Bioware has provided a short bio for Mass Effect: Andromeda squadmate Vetra Nyx, survivor of the seamy underbelly of mercs and smugglers that make up any part of a thriving galactic ecosystem.

Vetra’s short bio tells us that she sleeps with one eye open. “Surviving the rough world of smugglers and mercenaries requires street-smarts, adaptability and cunning, qualities that serve Vetra well in Andromeda,” it states. “Her experiences have taught her the importance of having someone to watch your back, and she’ll do anything for the people she considers friends and family.”

Sounds a bit like Garrus in his Omega Batman phase, no? It took us so long to meet a female turian in the original series (and finally, only in DLC) that having one as part of your squad from the get-go feels really satisfying. Especially considering the still-cringeworthy words of Mass Effect 3 art director Derek Watts regarding the mysterious absence of turians universe-wide:

“They’re all males in the game. We usually try to avoid the females because what do you do with a female Turian? Do you give her breasts? What do you do? Do you put lipstick on her? There’s actually some of the concept artists will draw lipstick on the male one and they’ll say ‘Hey, it’s done’ and we’ll go ‘No, can you take this serious?’”

Considering the turians are one of Citadel’s ruling Council races and described as both widespread and strictly egalitarian, the omission glared for a long time in Mass Effect’s world. Apparently some concept artist finally took the concept of female species members seriously enough, and after the Omega DLC we now have a lady turian front and center in our Andromeda Initiative squad.

Not only that, she’s a real bruiser. Her combat role states that she “wears heavily upgraded custom armor that provides additional shielding,” making her well-suited to protecting any squishy Ryders out there. Her custom Power Armor is an ability that “hardens and activates reinforced shields, providing her with unrivaled protection.” She also bears a modified Cyclone assault rifle. Gat-gat-gat.

As for her jazzy quote? “Making deals to get the things you want, shooting at the things you don’t. That’s me.” Nice to meet you, Vetra.

In addition to her bio, Vetra’s character kit is also up on the Bioware website, along with that of the Ryder twins. It reveals a slender face with purple stripes angled across it, meeting at her forehead, and an outfit palette of subdued browns, grays and blues. Her battered armor is appropriate for someone who’s spent time among mercs and smugglers, though her hi-tech glasses can’t help but look a little goofy (how are the arms held in place with no ears to hook over? Duct tape? Anti-gravity? Magnets? Biotics? Sheer willpower?).

As for the Ryder twins, our up-close look at Sara Ryder reveals an olive-skinned brunette with ghostly blue-gray eyes, wearing standard-issue Andromeda Initiative gear in faded blues and grays (matches her eyes!). In an extraordinary development for Mass Effect , the fabric of her uniform pants are permitted to sag slightly rather than adhere to her skin like cling wrap vacuum-sealed to frozen poultry.

Our look at Scott Ryder shows the same ghostly eyes as his sister and a shock of well-manicured brown hair along with a littering of wispy stubble. His lean figure and gelled hair inescapably remind me of about a zillion people currently colonizing Brooklyn, and he wears the same Andromeda Initiative suit as his sister.

For those interested, we’ve also got the details on some human squadmates along with our asari gal Peebee. Stay tuned to iDigitalTimes for the latest updates on Mass Effect: Andromeda as it approaches its March 21 release date. Liking the new squadmates? Feel free to let us know in our comments section below.

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