'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Protesters: Outcomes For Sleeping Dragons Side Quest

Mass Effect Andromeda Protesters Sleeping Dragons
Mass Effect Andromeda Protesters Sleeping Dragons Bioware

After you’ve made an outpost on Eos in Mass Effect: Andromeda , you’ll be confronted by some angry protesters in the common area of the Nexus. They claim your actions lead to their family members being left frozen in stasis. This side quest, known as Sleeping Heroes, is rather short but offers up a difficult choice.

It’s worth bearing in mind the protestors will appear whether you choose to make the outpost military or scientific. Either way, the side quest will be triggered. The protesters can be found near the hydroponics area.

The protestors want their family members taken out of stasis.
The protestors want their family members taken out of stasis. Bioware

First, speak to Rhys to learn about their complaints and demands. After that, take the tram to Operations and speak to Kandros, who can be found by the Strike Mission terminal. If you choose the “stasis protesters” dialogue prompt, you’ll trigger a a meeting with Director Tann, Kesh and Addison. They claim they don’t have the resources to support any more colonists, and urge you to shut down the protest.

Toward the end of this meeting, you’ll be presented with a choice. You can choose to end the protest, which will trigger a scene where you do just that. Or, you can decide that the protesters are right, and pull the family members out of stasis. Whatever you choose, talk to Rhys again to end the quest.

Which outcome will you choose for the protesters?
Which outcome will you choose for the protesters? Bioware

You’ll be rewarded with some some AVP either way. If you side with the protesters, you’ll trigger a brief bonus cameo later in the game. Other than that, your decision has no major impact on the overall storyline. This choice is framed in a way that makes it seem highly consequential, but it really isn’t.

How did you choose to handle the protesters? Are you enjoying the latest Mass Effect adventure so far? For more on Mass Effect: Andromeda, be sure to check out our other guides:

  • Andromeda Romance Guide
  • Andromeda Beginner’s Guide
  • Andromeda Multiplayer Guide
  • Andromeda Multiple Saves Guide
  • Andromeda APEX Rating Guide
  • Andromeda Character Import Guide
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  • Andromeda Character Build Guide
  • Andromeda Dialogue Guide
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