'Mass Effect: Andromeda’ Main Character Costume Revealed (No It's Not Shepard And Never Will Be)

N7 is back in action in Mass Effect: Andromeda
N7 is back in action in Mass Effect: Andromeda BioWare

A Mass Effect: Andromeda main character costume image shouldn’t resonate as big news for a game that is set to arrive within a year, but it is. Surprisingly little is known about the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda , likely the first installment of a brand new trilogy from BioWare. Andromeda has been mostly kept under wraps with the exception of a couple enigmatic trailers . Everything is brand new - a new galaxy, new plot and a new protagonist to carry it out.

We got a first look at the new Commander (Not Shepard) last summer with the release of an E3 announcement trailer. Incidentally, the main character - who simply goes by “Pathfinder” - looks nearly identical to Shepard, at least in terms of the N7 body armor. BioWare has yet to reveal the man (or woman) behind the mask, and that secret seems certain to continue. For now, we’ll have to settle for more images of the N7 gear, albeit in high-resolution detail. Take a look below:

‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ Pathfinder Costume

At first glance, it might be tempting to assume that the Pathfinder is actually just Shepard. It wouldn’t be the first time BioWare has tricked players into thinking a game’s protagonist was dead. Recall Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, in which the antagonistic Revan had mysteriously disappeared - only for him to be you, the main character, all along. There was also that time that Shepard suffocated to death at the end of Mass Effect, only for him to be “reconstructed” at the beginning of the sequel.

However, given the reception of Mass Effect 3’s disastrous ending, it seems unlikely that BioWare would attempt to drag out Shepard’s story at risk of upsetting gamers once again. Not to mention that Andromeda takes place “long after the events of the first three games,” and within an entirely new galaxy. Pathfinder is here to stay, and hopefully more is made clear about the character ahead of Andromeda’s release. The possibilities are limitless save one: this is not Commander Shepard.

Following a recently announced delay, Mass Effect: Andromeda is set to arrive in “early 2017” for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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