Lost Nick Valentine? Finding Your 'Far Harbor' Companion Easy On PC, Hard On Consoles

  • Playstation 4
  • Windows
  • Xbox One
  • RPG
Lost Nick Valentine? Find him easy (on PC.)
Lost Nick Valentine? Find him easy (on PC.) Creative Commons

Lost Nick Valentine? You’re not alone. The Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4 is reminding lots of us, myself included, that we should have paid closer attention to where we stashed our companions. I will, of course, put a little bit blame on Bethesda here too. It seems like a tremendous oversight to not realize many of your players haven’t touched the game since Christmas, and with no UI assistance to track companions, the only way to know where they are is to (hopefully) remember. A quest-based waypoint to help us find Nick Valentine would’ve been super useful guys. I digress.

The (semi) good news is that, if you’re playing Fallout 4 on PC you have the advantage of being able to hit a few keys to track down Nick Valentine. You’ll need to use console commands, but it’s not that complicated.

How To Find Nick Valentine In Far Harbor DLC (PC Only)

  1. Hit the tilde (~) key

  2. Type prid 00002f25

  3. Press enter

  4. Type moveto player

  5. Press enter

  6. Hit the tilde (~) key again

Nick Valentine should appear out of nowhere, basically, but the two of you can go enjoy Far Harbor together and have lots of fun. Don’t forget to brag to your console friends about your superior experience!

How To Find Nick Valentine In Far Harbor DLC (Xbox One/PS4)

This is where we feel the pain console players. I’ve got an Xbox One, but as far as I know there isn’t any magical solution on PS4 like there is on PC. So how do we find Nick Valentine? The old fashioned way - shoe leather. (OK, fast travel but that doesn’t sound as cool).

Basically, you’re going to just fast travel to each one of your Settlements and look around. Companions tend to be chatty, though, so if you’re within earshot of Nick Valentine he should say something to you. I’d advise turning on your captions so you’ll see the text too. Here’s the quickest method I found for grinding through this:

  1. Open your Pip Boy.

  2. Go to ‘Data.’

  3. Go to ‘Workshops.’

  4. Highlight a workshop where you think you might find Nick Valentine.

  5. Press X/Square to show on map.

  6. Fast travel.

  7. Search.

  8. Repeat 4-7.

  9. Curse Bethesda for not anticipating this problem.

  10. Repeat 4-9.

  11. Pray for a patch.

Now, if you’ve searched all your settlements and still can’t find Nick Valentine the next step is to build a bell at each settlement. When you ring it all the settlers will (eventually) wander over. If you’ve done all that and you’ve still lost Nick Valentine then just give up. Seriously. Go enjoy Far Harbor because it sounds amazing and just wait for the YouTube compilation of all the funny Nick Valentine dialogue options. Watch it, and think over the lesson you just learned on keeping track of the things you care about.

Did you not lose Nick Valentine? Were you a smug motherfucker about it on Xbox Live when chatting with a friend who couldn’t find Nick Valentine? Are you iDigi writer Bob Fekete? If so, you suck. Let us know in the comments!

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