'League Of Legends' Warwick Rework And Visual Update: New Trailer Shows The Werewolf Hunting Prey

Warwick, champion reveal for League of Legends
Warwick, champion reveal for League of Legends Riot Games

UPDATE: Warwick's Champion Reveal Has Been Released.

On Monday, Riot released a new trailer showing the reworked League of Legends champion, Warwick. He’s mean, green and hungry for the troublemakers that have been roaming the streets of Zaun.

“It’s only fun if they run.” Everyone’s favorite League of Legends werewolf is finally getting a rework and now we know what it looks like. After last week’s story that showed us what Singed had been working on, on Monday we got a video showing the beast in action. Two juiced-up Zaun criminals are running around the city, trying to find a way out of the undercity. When they come across a tube to the outside world, it’s too late. Warwick, complete with giant mechanical hand and syringe feeder in his back, chomps them up before they get a chance.

Warwick isn’t just getting a slight rework and visual update, he’s getting the whole shebang. From the video, we see Warwick can still smell blood in the air, but now it buffs him up. When the criminal cuts his hand on a broken piece of metal, the syringe on the alpha dog’s back pops up and turns orange. Warwick grows in size, like Fenris in Smite, and jumps straight at the bad guys.

This Warwick is a bad guy who wants to be good, which explains why he is hunting the underbelly of Zaun. In a town filled with the worst criminals caught up in the most dangerous of crimes, the big bad wolf has plenty of sheep for the slaughter.

It’s a beautiful video, a worthy piece of LoL canon that might even be better looking than Kled’s. I am so excited to try out the new Warwick rework, which should hit the PBE sometime this week.

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