League Of Legends Season 7 Victorious Skin: Graves Gets His Cigar

  • PC
  • Strategy
TKTK Riot Games

Season seven of League Of Legends ranked is ending soon, so that’s probably why Riot Games teased its newest Victorious skin. If you’ve hit Gold (or higher) in your ranked games you’ll earn this exclusive skin. Riot hasn’t officially announced who the skin is going to be for but after a little bit of deductive reasoning and a fairly believable leak, we think that it’s going to be the gunslinger himself, Graves.

On the Turkish League Of Legends website, there was a small blurb announcing that the next Victorious skin was Graves which was quickly taken down. According to a translation by reddit user eleprett , the blurb says: “New Victorious skin for Graves, different ways to show your ultimate rank and newly designed ward skins are waiting for you this year.” There’s also a reference to honor rewards, the new system that adds crests to player’s loading screen portraits.

Graves is a perfect choice for season seven Victorious skins. These lines of skins are saved for champions who made huge impacts on that season’s meta, and the cigar-toting badass totally fits the bill. He’s been a permanent fixture of the jungle since his rework in season six, being a top-tier pick for players in all regions. For awhile, nobody could match his clear, his damage and his engage potential. A good Graves could gank an enemy bot lane level two and get a double kill with absolutely no problem. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve lost to a Graves who’s managed to snowball an early game lead into an easy win.

Previous champions with Victorious skins have been the cornerstones of their respective metas. Maokai was the single best tank in season six, Ashe dominated every ADC match-up after her rework in season five and Janna, Jarvan IV and Elise have all had their ups and downs throughout the years. Earning a Victorious skin is a sign of privilege, a badge of honor for those of us who don’t rage or tilt like a Bronze or Silver scrub, but like a Gold pleb. Having a nice skin for your favorite champion is cool, but having one that stands for an accomplishment is so much better.

I didn’t play much League this season and after finishing my placements I ended up in Silver III. Ranked ends Nov. 7 and I’m debating taking a week off work just to grind some LP. I know it’s mostly irrelevant and I’ll regret it when I actually need time somewhere down the road, but the gamer in me doesn’t use logic. I’ve been Gold or higher for the last two years and I’m extremely proud of that. I don’t have Korean reflexes and my CS is almost always below average, but I am a great strategist. I know how to plan an attack, when to engage or disengage like an LCS pro (IMO) and I want the accolade to prove it. Next season, I’ll have a Silver border around my name if I don’t push it to the limit and that thought terrifies me.

How do you feel about Graves’ Victorious skin? Tell us in an angry comment where you call me a scrub for being hard stuck in ELO hell.

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