'League Of Legends' Patch Notes 7.1: Everyone Got Nerfed But Marksmen Are Still Trash

Dreadnova gangplank is coming in this patch, get hyped
Dreadnova gangplank is coming in this patch, get hyped Riot Games

The pre-season of League of Legends is officially over, and as the dust starts to settle a strange, new meta forms. Tanks have taken over the scene, while Marksmen with their pea shooters are relegated to the useless champion pile. Riot realizes how tumultuous the current metagame landscape is, so patch 7.1 is filled with nerfs and buffs intended to make ADCs and junglers stronger.

Here are the top five things you need to know from the League of Legends Patch Notes for 7.1.

Nerfs Everywhere- Riot really got the nerf bat nice and shiny before slapping around League’s most problematic champions. Camille can duel pretty much anybody, even Tryndamere, so she needed some good nerf bat slams to the side of her scissor legs. She now has 10 less health per level, one less second on her shield at later levels and Hextech Ultimatum deals significantly less damage while stunning for less. Karma is still the best support, so nerfing her makes sense. Focused Resolve only ticks twice and her Defiance shield has less health at all ranks. Kennen’s ultimate deals more damage per tick instead of up front.

More Nerfs- Riot really wasn’t kidding when they said this patch was going to be nerf heavy. Lee Sin deals less damage on his kick, Shyvana’s Burnout no longer deals damage to jungle monsters and Syndra’s ultimate has a higher cooldown alongside her Force Of Will balls that deal a fuckton less damage. ZZ’Rot Portal is going to be taking towers down faster with more damage, but the Void Spawn have less health and die faster.

Poppy And Ryze Will Never Be Balanced- The crowning jewel of the 7.1 patch notes are the nerfs to Ryze and Poppy. This Ryze’s third rework and Riot really wants this one to stick, so they are increasing the scaling on his Overload shield and lowering his extra movement speed. Poppy used to be a joke, but then her rework happened and everyone stopped laughing. Riot has lowered the active use of her shield from 5 seconds to 3 and cut her ultimate, Keeper’s Verdict, damage in half. These are the biggest set of nerfs to the yordle with a hammer yet.

ADCs Got A Few Buffs- Not nearly as notable as the hit parade of nerfed champions in 7.1, the buffed guys and girls of the Rift also deserve some love. Draven’s Spinning Axes have bonus Attack Damage and scale off bonus AD, and his Blood Rush costs less mana at later ranks. Kalista’s Rend stacks will still be applied even when Rend is on cooldown and the mana refund comes when just one minions is slain. Lucian has 10 percent more damage on his passive at early levels and Piercing Light deals more damage late game.

Jungle Experience Tweaks- Junglers have figured out that you can get more experience farming your jungle than you can ganking lanes. Farming junglers who can clear very fast, like Olaf or Rek’sai are still the best, and Riot wants to change that. A junglers first clear will now yield 50 percent less XP, except for the Raptors.

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