‘Injustice 2’ Robin Gameplay And More Beta Details Revealed In Twitch Stream

  • Fighting
Robin will be in 'Injustice 2'
Robin will be in 'Injustice 2' NetherRealm Studios

The first Injustice 2 Twitch stream from NetherRealm Studios has begun and has revealed the first Robin gameplay and gave more details on the story mode and beta.

Ed Boon was on the Watchtower stream with questions from fans and here are some of the highlights from what he was asked.

You will be able to save particular costumes/gears. You will gain more powerful gear as you level up and every player gets a new "roll" when gaining gear. So one particular gear may be more powerful for you than another player.

The story mode is the most ambitious part of Injustice 2. It’s the “ultimate Justice League cinematic experience.” Lots of new stuff coming to the story mode.

There will be “lesser” known characters. The first Injustice had the most high-profile characters but this time there will be more obscure characters like Atrocitus.

Every returning character will have a new special move. The special moves will play into “creating your own character.”

Space Ghost is not DLC.

Netcode will be going off MKX.

Injustice 2 will have no block button

No Poison Ivy gameplay today

You will be able to see friend’s gear when online.

It’s a possibility for Injustice DLC characters to go to Injustice 2.

Injustice 2 will have biggest initial and DLC roster than any other NetherRealm game.

There will be a mode where there’s no gears for tournament play.

Third-party characters like Scorpion? Most downloaded characters are third-party.

NO character reveal in this stream.

Injustice 2 is not “pay to win.”

Beta codes going out after this stream. There will be waves of codes going out.

The first gameplay of Robin (Damien Wayne) was shown in a new trailer. You can check it out, here.

Injustice 2 will release May 16.
What do you think of the gameplay from Injustice 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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