How To Switch Weapons In 'Mass Effect: Andromeda'

Who will you hook up with in Andromeda?
Who will you hook up with in Andromeda? BioWare

How do you switch weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda? As you explore new worlds in Mass Effect: Andromeda, you’ll come across all kinds of new baddies and new weapons to blast them with. But switching weapons in the game isn’t as intuitive as it could be. So, how do you do it?

For a quick swap, say if you suddenly run out of ammo or simply want to change weapons on the fly, hit Square (PS4) or X (Xbox One) in order to switch to the last weapon you used. This is a good way to make a quick change without disturbing the flow of the game.

You can also change Ryder’s weapon by bringing up the weapon wheel, for a more comprehensive selection. To do so, tap the View button on the Xbox One, or the central touchpad if you’re playing on PS4. From there, use the left analog stick to highlight the weapon you want, and select it to equip it. This option does rip you out of the action somewhat, but in some situations it’s well worth the trouble to have the best possible item in your arsenal to hand.

Unfortunately, these steps only apply to Ryder. Mass Effect: Andromeda doesn’t allow you to change your allies’ armor or weapons.

If you want to change your loadout, including your armor, you’ll have to visit specific locations, like Loadout Stations and Forward Bases. After all, Ryder can’t just hold onto every piece of equipment in his wardrobe at all times!

READ MORE : How To Change Armor In 'Mass Effect: Andromeda': Equip New Gear And Look Good

Are you enjoying Mass Effect: Andromeda so far? Are there any gameplay basics you had trouble with or feel could be a bit more straightforward? Feel free to talk all things Andromeda in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out all of our other guides for the game:

  • Andromeda Romance Guide
  • Andromeda Beginner’s Guide
  • Andromeda Multiplayer Guide
  • Andromeda Multiple Saves Guide
  • Andromeda APEX Rating Guide
  • Andromeda Character Import Guide
  • Andromeda Trophies List: 56 Challenges For Your Inner Completionist
  • Andromeda Character Build Guide
  • Andromeda Dialogue Guide
  • Andromeda Sleeping Dragons Sidequest Guide
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