‘Captain America: Civil War’ Reviews: The First Evaluations Are In, Here's What The Critics Think

Captain America: Civil War arrives in theaters in May 6
Captain America: Civil War arrives in theaters in May 6 Marvel

Let’s just get this out of the way: Captain America: Civil War is going to be very, very good. That statement isn’t a matter of personal opinion, but rather critical consensus. Saturday night marked the removal of the Civil War social media embargo, and press members lucky enough to watch an early screening have spoke quite highly of the upcoming Marvel showdown.

The next chapter of Captain America is still a month away from release, but Marvel is betting on the press to ramp up the excitement for the new film. The first official screening of Civil War is scheduled for April 13 at CinemaCon, where even more reactions will steadily leak out. Luckily for the fans, a good amount of tweet-reviews are already available.

Pressure is mounting on Captain America: Civil War to deliver for numerous reasons. At the most basic level, its predecessor - Captain America: The Winter Solider - was widely successful amongst critics and moviegoers. Every film franchise should always strive to improve over time, though unfortunately that’s not always the case. Secondly, Marvel has invested an enormous amount of money into Civil War, complete with a superstar (and expensive!) cast and stunning special effects. Marvel will definitely look to reap the rewards of its investment.

Lastly, within the context of Marvel’s rival, DC Comics, Captain America: Civil War is directly competing with last month’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice , which features a similar plot set-up. Two superhero titans battling against each other with consequences for all else involved. While Batman v Superman failed to live up expectations and flopped in the eyes of critics, the question remained whether Captain America: Civil War would do the same thing. Well, as the critics will tell you, it did not. Take a look at the first social media reviews of Captain America: Civil War, below:

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